Scala Exceptions + try catch finally

Jakob Jenkov
Last update: 2014-05-26

Scala has an exception mechanism similar to Java's.

Exception handling is a rather large topic to cover in full detail. Therefore, I will be writing more about Scala exception handling in a different, more specialized trail. In this text I will just explain the exception handling mechanisms briefly.

Throw Exception

A Scala method can throw an exception instead of returning normally, in case an error occurs. Here is an example which should look familiar to Java developers:

//do something
//do something more

throw new IllegalArgumentException("arg 1 was wrong...");

//nothing is executed after the throw.

When an exception is thrown the normal thread of execution is interrupted, and the exception is propagated up the call stack until a catch clause catches it.

Try Catch

If you execute a sequence of code that might throw an exception, and you would like to handle that exception, you use the try-catch block. Here is an example:

    println("this line is never executed");
} catch {
  case e: Exception => println("exception caught: " + e);

def throwsException() {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Exception thrown");

When an exception is thrown from inside the throwsException() method, the execution is interrupted and the execution jumps to the catch clause surrounding the code that threw the exception.

In the example above, when the throwsException() method is called, and it throws an exception, the statement below the throwsException() method call is never executed. Instead the execution jumps down to the catch clause.

The catch clause looks a bit different from a Java catch clause. Rather than declare the exception to catch in parantheses after the catch keyword, Scala requires that you write a list of case statements.

In the example above, only one exception is caught, Exception which is the superclass of most exceptions. Hence, most exceptions are caught using that catch clause. If you wanted to be more specific in what exceptions to catch, provide multiple case statements. For instance:

catch {
  case e: IllegalArgumentException => println("illegal arg. exception");
  case e: IllegalStateException    => println("illegal state exception");
  case e: IOException              => println("IO exception");


The finally clause can contain code that you need to be executed, no matter if an exception is thrown or not. Here is an example:

try {
} finally {
    println("this code is always executed");

A finally clause is appended to a try block. You can have a catch clause inthere too, if you like. The finally clause is still always executed.

The finally clause normally contains code that must be executed no matter whether an exception is thrown or not. For instance, say you were processing a stream of data. You would want to close that stream of data, regardless of whether your processing succeeded, or resulted in an exception being thrown.

Here is a full example, with both a try, catch and finally clause:

try {


} catch {

  case e: IllegalArgumentException => println("illegal arg. exception");
  case e: IllegalStateException    => println("illegal state exception");
  case e: IOException              => println("IO exception");

} finally {

  println("this code is always executed");

Jakob Jenkov

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