WSDL 2.0 - binding

Jakob Jenkov

Jakob Jenkov
Last update: 2014-05-23

The WSDL binding element describes how your web service is bound to a protocol. In other words, how your web service is accessible. To be accessible, the web service must be reachable using some network protocol. This is called "binding" the web service to the protocol. And this is what the binding element does.

Here is a binding example:

<binding name="latestTutorialSOAPBinding"

  <fault ref="tns:invalidDateFault" wsoap:code="soap:Sender"/>

  <operation ref="tns:latestTutorialOperation"


The binding name is referenced by the service element. Thus it should be unique within the WSDL file.

The interface attribute should refer to the name of an interface element defined in this WSDL file. Hence the tns: prefix (in this WSDL's Target Name Space).

The type attribute tells what kind of message format the interface is bound to. The value in the example states that the message format is SOAP.

The wsoap:protocol attribute specifies a SOAP binding - in other words, how the SOAP messages are transported. The value in the example specifies HTTP.

The operation element references an operation defined in the interface that this binding refers to. This references is made by the ref attribute. Notice the tns: prefix again, pointing to a name defined inside this WSDL.

The wsoap:mep attribute of the operation element, specifies a Message Exchange Pattern (MEP), which is a SOAP thing. See the the WSDL spec for more detail on this attribute.

The fault element defines a fault which may be sent back by the web service, via this binding. The fault element references a fault defined in the interface element this binding refers to. See the WSDL spec for more detail on this attribute.

Jakob Jenkov

Jakob Jenkov

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