Java Properties

Jakob Jenkov
Last update: 2019-08-18

The Java Properties class, java.util.Properties, is like a Java Map of Java String key and value pairs. The Java Properties class can write the key, value pairs to a properties file on disk, and read the properties back in again. This is an often used mechanism for storing simple configuration properties for Java applications.

Create a Properties Instance

To use the Java Properties class you must first create a Properties instance. You do so via its constructor and the Java new instruction. Here is an example of creating a Java Properties instance:

Properties properties = new Properties();

Set Properties

To set properties in a Java Properties instance you use the setProperty() method. Here is an example of setting a property (key - value pair) in a Java Properties object:

properties.setProperty("email", "");

This example sets the property with the key email to the value

Get Properties

To get properties from a Java Properties object you use the getProperty() method, passing the key of the property to get as parameter. Here is an example of getting a property from a Java Properties instance:

String email = properties.getProperty("email");

Remove Properties

You can remove a property from a Java Properties instance using its remove() method, passing as parameter to remove() the key for the property to remove. Here is an example of removing a property from a Java Properties instance:


Iterate Properties

You can iterate the keys of a Java Properties instance by obtaining the key set for the Properties instance, and iterating this key set. Here is an example of obtaining the key set of a Java Properties to iterate all its keys:

Properties properties = new Properties();

properties.setProperty("key1", "value1");
properties.setProperty("key2", "value2");
properties.setProperty("key3", "value3");

Iterator keyIterator = properties.keySet().iterator();

    String key   = (String);
    String value = properties.getProperty(key);
    System.out.println(key + " = " + value );

This example will print out the following lines:

key1 = value1
key2 = value2
key3 = value3

Store Properties to File

You can store the property key, value pairs to a properties file which can be read again later on. You store the contents of a Properties object via its store() method. Here is an example of storing the contents of a Java Properties to a properties file:

Properties properties = new Properties();

properties.setProperty("property1", "value1");
properties.setProperty("property2", "value2");
properties.setProperty("property3", "value3");

try(FileWriter output = new FileWriter("data/")){, "These are properties");
} catch (IOException e) {

Property File Encoding

By default the Java Properties file encoding is ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1). However, these days it is more common to use UTF-8 as encoding. You can specify the file encoding to use as the second parameter of the Java FileWriter used when the file is stored. Here is an example of setting the Java Properties file encoding (charset) to UTF-8:

try(FileWriter output = new FileWriter("data/", Charset.forName("UTF-8"))){, "These are properties");
} catch (IOException e) {

Property File Format

A Java Properties property file consists of lines with one key=value pair on each line. Here is an example Java Properties property file:

#These are properties
#Thu Jul 04 21:29:20 CEST 2019

The lines starting the # are comments. Notice the first line of the properties file is actually the comment that was passed as second parameter to the store() method call in the code example in the previous section about storing properties to a property file.

The lines following the key=value format contain the property key, value pairs.

Load Properties From File

You can also load properties stored in a property file back into a Java Properties object via its load() method. Here is an example of loading a property file into a Java Properties object:

Properties properties = new Properties();

try(FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("data/")){
} catch (IOException e) {

File Encoding When Loading Properties File

By default the load() method will assume that the loaded file is encoded using ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1). If your property file is using another encoding, for instance UTF-8, you must specify the encoding as the second parameter to the Java FileReader used to load the properties file. Here is an example of setting the file encoding to UTF-8 when loading a Java Properties file:

try(FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("data/", Charset.forName("UTF-8"))){
} catch (IOException e) {

Store Properties to XML File

The Java Properties class can also write the key-value pairs stored in it to an XML file via its storeToXML(). Here is an example of storing a Java Properties to an XML file:

Properties properties = new Properties();

properties.setProperty("property1", "value1");
properties.setProperty("property2", "value2");
properties.setProperty("property3", "value3");

try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("data/props.xml")){
    properties.storeToXML(output, "These are properties");
} catch (IOException e) {

Property XML File Encoding

By default the Java Properties XML property file encoding is UTF-8. Note, that this is the reverse default of non-XML property files. If you need to use another encoding for the XML file, this is possible. You can specify the file encoding to use as the third parameter to the storeToXML method. Here is an example of storing a Java Properties to XML using the ISO-8859-1 encoding:

try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("data/props.xml")){
    properties.storeToXML(output, "These are properties", Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));
} catch (IOException e) {

XML Property File Format

The Java Properties object stored to XML file in the example in the previous section looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<comment>These are properties</comment>
<entry key="property2">value2</entry>
<entry key="property1">value1</entry>
<entry key="property3">value3</entry>

Notice how the comment passed to the storeToXML() method is enclosed in a comment XML element, and not in an XML comment (<!-- -->) .

Load Properties from XML File

You can load properties from an XML property file into a Java Properties object via its loadFromXML() method. Here is an example of loading properties from an XML property file into a Java Properties object:

Properties properties = new Properties();
try(FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("data/props.xml")){
} catch(IOException e){

File Encoding When Loading XML Properties Files

By default the loadFromXML() method will assume that the XML file is stored using the UTF-8 encoding. Note, that this is the reverse of the defaults for non-XML property files. If your XML file is using a different encoding, e.g. ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), then your XML file must specify the encoding inside it. This is done by including the following line as the very first line of your XML properties file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Load Properties From the Classpath

It is possible to load properties into a Java Properties from a file that is available on the classpath. That file could thus be located inside the same JAR file as the application loading the properties, or inside another JAR file or directory available on the Java classpath when your Java application is executed.

To load properties from a file available on the classpath you need to obtain a Class instance first. In the example below I obtain it from the class that contains the main() method of my application:

Class aClass = PropertiesExample.class;

Once I have the Class instance I can call its getResourceAsStream() method which returns a Java InputStream referencing the file. Here is an example of obtaining a reference to a file from the classpath:

InputStream inputStream =

The file would have to be located in the root directory of the classpath. If you put it into a subdirectory, the path passed to getResourceAsStream() should reflect that. E.g. /subdir/ .

Using the InputStream you can load the file into a Java Properties instance, using either the load() or loadFromXML() methods explained earlier in this Java Properties tutorial. Which method to use depends on the format used by the property file. Here is an example of loading the properties via load():

Class aClass = PropertiesExample.class;

InputStream inputStream =

Properties fromClasspath = new Properties();

try {
} catch (IOException e) {

ResourceBundle Properties

Java contains a special type of properties called a ResourceBundle. A ResourceBundle is a bundle of files that together make up a bundle. Typically, each file will contain a set of properties specifically targeted for a specific language. Thus, each file will typically contain the same set of property keys, but with values that are specific to the language targeted by that file. ResourceBundle property files are typically loaded from the classpath.

ResourceBundle's are a common way to internationalize your application. I have covered internationalization of Java applications in my Java Internationalization tutorial. The ResourceBundle class is covered as part of that tutorial, in the Java ResourceBundle tutorial.

Default Properties

The Java Properties class has the ability to provide default property values for properties that do not have any key registered in the Properties instance. There are two ways of using default property values. These are:

  • Provide a default value to the getProperty() method.
  • Provide a Properties instance containing default values when creating a new Properties instance.

The following sections will show example of both of these ways of providing default values for properties.

Default Values With getProperty()

The getProperty() method comes in a version that takes an extra parameter which is the default value to return in case the Properties instance does not contain a value for the given key. Here is an example of calling getProperty() with a default value:

Properties properties = new Properties();

String preferredLanguage =
    properties.getProperty("preferredLanguage", "Danish");

If the Properties instance does not contain a property for the key preferredLanguage, then the value Danish will be returned - instead of returning null which would have been returned if no default value had been passed to getProperty().

Default Values With a Default Properties Instance

The Java Properties class can be instantiated with another Properties instance containing default values to use when the newly created Properties instance does not contain a value for a requested property key. Here is an example of instantiating a Properties instance with another Properties instance for providing default values:

Properties defaultProperties = new Properties();
defaultProperties.setProperty("preferredLanguage", "Danish");

Properties newProperties = new Properties(defaultProperties);
String language = newProperties.getProperty("preferredLanguage");

System.out.println("Preferred language: " + language);

Since we did not set any property value for the key preferredLanguage in the newProperties instance, the newProperties instance will look in the defaultProperties for a value instead.

System Properties

The System Properties in Java is a special Property instance containing system specific properties. These System properties are settings for the Java VM etc. You access the Java System Properties via the System.getProperties() method. Here is an example of getting the Java System Properties:

Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();

You can now get and set System specific properties via this Properties instance.

The System class also has a getProperty() and setProperty() method which are shortcuts to the Properties getProperty() and setProperty() methods of the System Properties instance. Here is an example of calling System.getProperty() and System.setProperty() :

System.setProperty("key1", "value1");
String value1 = System.getProperty("key1");

//The above is equal to:

Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();

systemProperties.setProperty("key1", "value1");
String value1 = systemProperties.getProperty("key1");

Setting Java System Properties via the Command Line

You can set Java System property keys and values when you startup your Java application, via the Java command on the command line. You do so via the -D argument. Here is an example of setting Java System properties via the command line:

java -Dkey1=value -cp . com.jenkov.MyApp

This command tells Java to execute the class com.jenkov.MyApp, using current directory as classpath, and setting the System property named key1 to the value value1.

System properties that are set on the command line are also available at runtime via the System Properties. You could access the above key1 property inside your application, like this:

String key1Property = System.getProperty("key1");

Properties is a Subclass of Hashtable - by Mistake!

The Java Properties class is a subclass of the Java Hashtable class, and as I will show you - this is actually a design mistake! It is a great example of when the classic "Is a / Has a" OOP rule about when to use inheritance vs. composition fails. Let's see how.

Being a subclass of Hashtable, you can actually use the get() and put() method of the Hashtable class, which allow the use of non-string keys and values. This defeats the purpose of the Properties class, which is to function as a string,string map. Here is an example of using put() on Properties:

Properties asProperties = new Properties();

asProperties.put(123, 456);
asProperties.put("abc", 999);

Notice how it is possible to call put() with non-string values.

Just to make it clear: You should NOT use the put() and get() method of the Properties class! Using these methods can lead to unpredictable results. Look at this example:

Properties asProperties = new Properties();

asProperties.put("abc", 999);

String abc = asProperties.getProperty("abc");

The getProperty("abc") call will actually return null !!

If instead the value passed to put() had been two strings, then it would have worked as expected. Look at this example:

Properties asProperties = new Properties();

asProperties.put("abc", "999");

String abc = asProperties.getProperty("abc");

Notice how the second value passed to put() is now also a string. Now the getProperty("abc") call actually returns the string 999.

Even if you can get get() and put() to work, I would recommend that you do not use these methods. Stick to setProperty() and getProperty() methods.

As mentioned earlier, this is an example of the "Is a / Has a" gone wrong. A Java Properties instance clearly is as Hashtable, but it should not share the Hashtable interface. So - the "Is a" part of this rule should be interpreted as "Should be usable as a" instead. Using that formulation, Properties would not have been made a subclass of Hashtable, because Properties should not be usable as a Hashtable .

Instead, the Properties class should have just had an internal Hashtable to keep the property key,value pairs in.

Jakob Jenkov

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